March 29, 2009

gelap gulita

8.54 p.m...gelap.dalam kegelapan ni,tak tau apahal,tapi aku excited lain macam,especially untuk 6 minit pertama sejak 8.30 p.m tadi.macam aku tak pernah bergelap pulak.aku decided untuk menulis nota ringkas di atas sekeping kertas dalam suasana gelap semasa aku melayan hidup selama satu jam dalam kegelapan,gelap tanpa cahaya lampu elektrik.and to be frank with you,it felt quite good,and somehow satisfying.semua lampu,t.v,atau apa saja alat elektrik yang mengeluarkan cahaya aku 'off'kan.di kala aku menulis nota ni,24 minit telah aku lalui dalam keadaan gelap,aku hanya diterangi oleh sebatang lilin yang pernah aku bakar lebih setahun yang lalu.

it's not that bad you know to be in the dark.yes,aku sering rasa sikit takot when i move around the house in the dark.penakut? yes i am.and i don't watch cerita hantu.but tonite it's a bit different,malam ni aku boleh melayan duduk sendirian dalam rumah yang gelap ni.aku kira aku sendirian sebab bibik aku sedang melepak dibiliknya melayan radio dengan lampu tidurnya terpasang dan malam ini kami tinggal berdua saja.aku di top floor,alone layan musik di ipod dengan ambience cahaya lilin.and this cahaya lilin makes everything looks much more chantik.pada aku lah.what excites me bout being in the dark in my house tonite is the fact that aku tau that somewhere out there in this great planet earth,ada jugak orang lain yang sama dengan aku,sedang melayan suasana gelap.

lepas 15 minit pertama lepas 8.30 p.m tadi aku keluar rumah and decided to go for spin on my longboard to check out his neighbourhood.nak tengok ada tak orang lain yang support.and in my street ada satu rumah selain rumah aku yang turut bergelap.aku i was cruising round the block,i saw a couple more houses yang turut join the 'bergelap' campaign.and i'm pretty sure that their house were dark not becos they didn't pay the bills,but because of the same cause as me.after 6 minits of riding around,aku pun balik.and i spotted 6 houses including mine yang support this 'bergelap' campaign.and it got me thinking,if in a kawasan perumahan ada 6 buah rumah yang support the campaign,in kuantan pun ada berpuluh taman perumahan,and dalam malaysia pulak,there must be thousands of perumahan,u do the maths and tell me berapa banyak rumah dah yang bergelap.think bout it.but one thing for sure is that sure is a freaking lots of houses.

i don't really understand the kesan for us being bergelap for an hour ni sebenarnya,tapi it sure did leave a kesan on me.and i'm very glad i did it.mungkin kau tak sokong kempen ni,tapi know that somewhere out there while you're all sibuk duduk-duduk in the comfort of lights,electricity and evrything,there's someone out there sitting alone in the dark,in nothing on but his boxers,playing round with his thoughts,ipod plugged in his ears,satisfiedly smiling alone knowing that he did his part on this earth hour campaign...


p/s: 9.30 p.m,sejam telah berlalu.aku nyalakan lampu dirumah and guess what? i found out that this note was written on the back of my ipod receipt.aku harap ipod aku tak rosak nanti and kedai tu terima receipt yang dah berconteng.gelap punya pukulan...

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